June 14, 2024
WordPress backup plugins
Maintaining the backups for your site, means you are having a similar copy of your site safely. If by chance you lose your data, you can restore it from the backup.

Whether you are a beginner, expert or you have any type of website, maintaining backups for your site very essential. We are unknown about the hackers, they can harm your website anytime and anywhere.

Hackers don’t think it is a small or big business website, they hacked it and stole the data. So to prevent your site from some hacker, you need to maintain the backups file from time to time.

Maintaining the backups for your site, means you are having a similar copy of your site safely. If by chance you lose your data, you can restore it from the backup.

So today in this article, I am going to discuss some important plugins for your WordPress website which will help you in the backups.

Here have a look:


Backup of Website with WordPress Plugin

Here the first Backup plugin in our list is VaultPress. It is a modern WordPress plugin to store your site backup. The plugin comes with its own cloud system which helps you to handle the storage for easy restoration. With the implementation of the plugin, you will be protected from hackers, accidental damage, malware, and host outages by using VaultPress.

VaultPress is an amazing product by Jetpack. So if you want to use VaultPress, you need to make a subscription plan for it. With this, you will get an up-to-date backup for your site in a real-time.


  • Automatic backup restoration
  • Helps you to monitor backup activities in real-time
  • The full scan of your site
  • Dedicated support
  • Easily fix all vulnerabilities


Backup of Website with WordPress Plugin

If you are in search of the trusted backup plugin for your WordPress website, then BlogVault is the best option for you. It allows you to migrate a 300GB site without making any overloading over the server. With its outstanding features, you are allowed to maintain automatic backups for your site. Because of its unlimited on-demand features, you can request for backups whenever you like.

It does not make you stay for a longer time to continue its tasks. Once you requested for backups, you can continue with your other work. Likewise, it also helps you to migrate your site with personalized customer support. BlogVault stores copies of all the services within your site, so you need to worry about losing it.


  • Comes with WooCommerce backups
  • Provides 7 days free trial
  • Integrated with free staging
  • Easily manage multiple sites
  • Helps you to migrate your site flawlessly
  • Uptime monitoring


Backup of Website with WordPress Plugin

Likewise, BackWPup the best reliable backup plugin for any WordPress website. It helps you to backs up your WordPress installation and also saves time to the remote location of your site. the plugin stores your file on the cloud, FTP, email, or even on your computer. Later on, you can restore your file by importing the single .zip file.

The plugin is available in both free and premium versions. If you are not satisfied with the free version and want some additional features, simply upgrade it to a premium one. It is a user-friendly plugin, as it provides easy-to-use backup without making any setup for configuration.


  • Check, Optimize and repair database through phpMyadmin backups
  • Easy optimization of database
  • Useful for maintaining backup for database and file
  • Helps you to optimize the database
  • Makes the export of WordPress XML
  • Generates a file with installed plugins


Backup of Website with WordPress Plugin

BackupBuddy is one of the trusted and reliable backup plugin which comes with amazing strategies. It is easy to set up and manage, so even a layman can deal with it very well. The plugin allows you to choose a specific database file for your backup. Here you will get full support for many offsite cloud storage options which is quick and easy to restore.

For the automatic backups, you can set up for the backup schedule. On the given time, you will automatically get your all backups. Once you get your back up file, you are allowed to download a zip file of the entire WordPress website. Not only that, but it also comes with an amazing tool called ImportBuddy. It helps you to restore your WordPress site to a previous backup in case of an alternation.


  • Remotely store backup files
  • Easily customizes all the backup contents
  • Allows you to install email notification
  • Comes with ImportBuddy tool to restore WordPress file


Backup of Website with WordPress Plugin

Another amazing backup plugin on our list is Updraftplus. It is a feature-rich plugin that comes with migration tools. The plugin helps you to create complete backups and import it to any location. Also, it synchronizes the database with cloud storage services like FTP, SFTP, SCP, Dropbox, and Google drive.

Updraptsplus is an amazing plugin that works perfectly with multiple networks. It comes with a dedicated support team. So whenever you stuck between your tasks, you will get full support from them. Not only that, but the plugin also allows you to restore backups directly from your WordPress admin panel.


  • Backup up to 100GB of sites
  • Works with multiple networks
  • Outstanding rating
  • Helps you to backup limitless non-WordPress files and external databases
  • Easily restores the backup files
  • Synchronizes the database with cloud storage services

 BoldGrid Backup

Backup of Website with WordPress Plugin

Last but not least BoldGrid Backup is one of the automated backup plugins for your WordPress website. It is the best option to create your website’s backups, restore your site once it crashes. And also helps you to move your site when switching hosts. With your single click, you can set up both automated and manual backups whichever is required for your site.

By chance, if you fail for the updates, it automatically rolls backs your WordPress website to the last backup. It saves your data and time, isn’t it? It allows you to stores all the backups in remote storage locations like Amazon, S3, FTP, SFTP, and many others.


  • Best automated backup plugin
  • Helps you to restore all the crashes file easily
  • One-click for backups
  • Allows you to store up to 10 backup’s archives on the dashboard


This is all about the backup plugins for your WordPress website. All of the above plugins come with amazing features that help you to backups the data of your site very easily. Later on, you can restore all the backup files from its zip file. Since all the plugins are easy to use and implement, even a layman can deal with it very well.

I hope you get this article useful to you. If you have any trouble, you are free to send your queries to our comment section. We make sure all of your questions are answered as soon as possible. Keep visiting our site for more interesting and useful articles.

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