June 14, 2024
Keep your WordPress Site Secure
There are several elements within a site for which you have to pay attention as a security purpose. You have to make sure you have strengthened your login page and an admin page to keep your site away from hackers.

Security is the most important concern for any work. Whether it comes to building a website or anything else, you take care of its security system. As an owner, it is your duty and responsibility to keep your site away from bugs and hackers, isn’t it? Most of you are already well known about the security features of WordPress. It is a highly secured power-packed platform.

But it is also true that WordPress is one of the top-rated hacked CMS platforms. No matter whether you are beginners or experts, you all have to pay attention to your site security. One single mistake, and you will lose your project and last with a worthless effort.

There are several elements within a site for which you have to pay attention as a security purpose. You have to make sure you have strengthened your login page and an admin page to keep your site away from hackers.

At present, it is pretty much easier to keep your site protected from bugs and hackers. Several tools have developed for best security practice. To make your work easier, today I came to the same discussion topic. Well, I am here with 10 elements and tools which will guide you to protect your site from hackers and unauthorized access.

So keep following these lists and get your site secured from all types for hacking. Hence you will get a powerful WordPress website. Let’s get started:

10+ Security Elements for WordPress Website in 2022

Keep Strong Username and Password

In most cases, hackers firstly attack the login page of your WordPress website. And for this, they try several guessing for your login details like username and password. When you install your WordPress, it provides your default username. But never used that one, you have to keep in mind that default login details create easier access for the user.

So change your username by adding an SQL query in PHPMyAdmin. Now coming towards the password. Even you have provided a strong username to your site, but your password is the week, you cannot hide your site from a hacker. It means that the stronger password is too important as the username. For a strong password, it is better to create a unique password with a combination of different characters like alphabet, numbers, and symbols. So always try to think out of the box so that you can get some unique and strong password.

Incorporate Two-factor Authentication

If you want to secure your site from brute force attacks, then it is better to go through two-factor authentication. In spite of keeping the powerful and unique username and password, sometimes hackers crack it with their multiple attacks. So for such a case, this two-factor authentication will be very helpful which will take your login security to the next level.

In this, whenever anyone tries to log in to your site from other servers, the system sends a code to your mail or phone number which is required for login. It means an unauthorized person cannot get access to your site without your permission.

Keep WordPress software, themes, and plugins updated

Another important rule to keep your WordPress website secure is to keep its element updated. Keep your site updated with the latest of WordPress as we all know WordPress updates come with security fixes. So if you are keeping your theme, plugin and others updated, you can easily prevent your site from being hacked.

In your dashboard, you will notice a small rectangular box with an optionAn updated version of WordPress is available. So whenever you see that without wasting any time go through it and get your site updated and free from hackers.

Select a secure hosting company

Now while talking about WordPress hosting, it has its own importance for keeping your site secured. There are several hosting companies who are offering different services which are available in both cheap and expensive rate.

Best WordPress Hosting

Many people fall for the hosting which is not even cheap but also offering several deals and offers. But most of them are for your trap. So before selecting the hosting company for your site, go for research and find out a secure hosting company. Well, WordPress.com is one of the best and secure hosting provider, so you can go through this one.

Limit login attempts

Limiting the login attempts is another best idea with which you can keep your site away from unauthorized access. It will help you to fail the login attempts by the hacker. Usually, hackers make several trials to crack the login details. But if you have limited it, after the limit login, a hacker will not able to continue their trail. And hence you will get your site secured from such brute-force attack. There are some best free WordPress plugins which limit the failed login attempts are Login Lockdown, Limit Login Attempts, etc. This lockdown helps you to identify the IP address of the system from where your site is being tried to log in. It will fail the attempts and help you to discover the hacker.

You can use WordPress security plugins like Wordfence and WP White Security. This is a best and easy method to make your site secure as well.

Secure the wp-config.php file

All the information of your WordPress is stored in the wp-config.php file which should be confidential to keep your site secure. Hackers try to attack this part which will be the worst situation for your site. So if you want to keep it secured, apply the following code in your wp-config.php file.

in your .htaccess file:

<Files wp-config.php>

order allow, deny

deny from all


Back up your site regularly

Although you have tried a lot to secure your site from being hacked and unauthorized access, still some time you fail on your task. So it is better to take prevention before you lost our data. We have to change our habits to back up our regular tasks within our site.

WP Mount is one of the best option solutions for keeping backups for your WP website. They offer subscriptions based solutions for WordPress websites. Besides that, you can use Updraft backup WordPress plugins as well.

UpdraftPlus: WordPress Backup & Migration Plugin

Reduce the overall number of plugins

While choose and implementing the plugins for your site, make sure it is from an authorized company. There are thousands of plugin for different features and services. Don’t choose so many, get the right one with multiple features. With the less number, you can handle it carefully. Do research, take your time and then choose the best one.

All In One WP Security & Firewall plugin

Despite following several security rules, if you haven’t implemented a security plugin, your site is still in danger. There are several security plugins available for WordPress website. Among them, one of the best ones is All In One WP Security & Firewall plugin. It is a free WordPress plugin useful for protecting WordPress security used for the following purpose:

  • User Login security
  • Database security
  • Blacklist functionality

All-In-One Security (AIOS) – Security and Firewall

Secure your Device

Last but not the least, with all the above rules, you have to make sure the device which you are using for accessing your site is secured. An unauthorized person can mess up with your device in your absence and can damage your site which may cause the data loss. To keep your device safe, you should implement good antivirus software, updating the OS from time to time and monitoring the computer malware. With this all you can protect your accessing device.


Hence by following the above rules, you can protect your WordPress website from hackers as well as an unauthorized person. Even you are an expert or beginner, you need to take care of your site properly and have to protect your data. Keep yourself away from unwanted offers and deal which is for your trap. I am sure you will successfully keep your site secured from the above rules.

I hope you get this article helpful to you. You are free to send us your review and queries regarding the security rules of your site. We make sure all of your queries are answered. Keep visiting our site for more such interesting plugin.

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