June 14, 2024
how to start a online class
Starting a virtual class is not a topic of headache. It has become easier now. You just need to be punctual and have patience.

Do you want to start and run a virtual class online with WordPress for your business or achieve the passion? If you want to do so, then go for it.

Starting a virtual class is not a topic of headache. It has become easier now. You just need to be punctual and have patience.

You can easily run your virtual classes like a yoga class, tutor math, cooking class, and others.

Run a Virtual Class Online with WordPress

At present, there are several tools available that will help to run a better and managed class for your business.

Keeping all these things in mind, today I am going to discuss how a person can run a managed virtual class for their business.

So go through this article sincerely, I am sure by the end of the article, you are able to create your online virtual class. Here have a look:

Importance of Virtual Class Online

Nowadays most people prefer online class rather than going outside to attend class. After all, it is easier and time-saving. You just need to type your interested topic on YouTube, within a few seconds you will get your result. Isn’t it amazing?

Here are some importance of such online classes:

  • Save time and money
  • Attract more audience
  • With a single recording, you can reach millions of people at once
  • User can rewind the video, again and again, to be clear about the content
  • No need of physical classroom
  • Limitless
  • Can be created with less technology

Requirements for virtual class

Now let me introduce all those elements required to start your own virtual class for your business.

  • An online platform or website
  • Way to communicate with students by email
  • An online group for students for interaction
  • Pre-recorded videos content so that student can work at their own place
  • Live interaction video for feedbacks, screen sharing, polls, and audience questions
  • LMS or membership site plugin

Now let me give you a full description of all the requirements so that you can clear your concept.

1. An online platform or website

Several people make their videos on different contents and upload it to YouTube and Facebook. It is also a type of Virtual class.

People have their own YouTube channel where they make tutorials on cooking, fashions, class subjects, and many more.

But still, there are several people who are not active on Facebook. Also, several videos are banned on YouTube because of the legal issues on the internet.

Run a Virtual Class Online with WordPress

So choosing only Facebook and YouTube might not be a good option. There are also some popular online platforms like Teachable where you can upload your class videos. But it is quite costly, everyone cannot afford it.

The best option to start a virtual class online for your business is to go through your own website.

There are several ways to create a website. But as per popularity, I recommend you to use WordPress.

As per the collected data, more than 35% of the websites on the internet are powered by WordPress. It clearly shows its popularity, isn’t it?

Here I have listed some of the benefits of using WordPress for your online class:

  • It is totally free
  • Easy to use
  • Comes with thousands of themes and plugins
  • Attractive features

After installing WordPress, you need to get a domain and hosting for it. Some of the well-known hosting providers are Bluehost, SiteGround and others. These are super-easy to install and comes with amazing features.

2. Getting Students to Sign up for your class

Since you are running a virtual class, it is necessary to know how many students are attending your class. You can integrate a Form where you can make your students fill up their personal details and payments.

One of the best plugins for this is Everest Forms. It is available in both free and premium one, get the one which is required for your business.

best plugins for WordPress blog

Once you install the plugin, you can modify it as per your need and make a simple and attractive form for a virtual class. You can also use it from the collection of other best contact form plugins.

3. Way to communicate with students

For every virtual, it is important to communicate with your students. You have to maintain the proper environment so that even a single student can interact with you and follow you. This will help your students known about the further class and other schedules related to classes.

There are several ways to communicate with them like Facebook, WhatsApp, email, and others. Among these all, email is the best option. Since all the people are not active on other social media but a huge number of users have their mail ID. And also it is more confidential and more trustable.

For this service, you need to implement the best email marketing service for your website. Constant Contact is one of the best tools for this service which offers free trial along with outstanding support.

Run a Virtual Class Online with WordPress

Not only this, but there is also still more plugin which will help you with email marketing, you can go through the directory to get more. You will thousands of plugins available in both free and a premium one. So get anyone as per your budget and requirement.

4. Students Online Group for Collaboration

If you want a make your virtual class more attractive and effective, you have to make it more interactive. Not only students and teachers should communicate with each other but also there should be a student to student communication. This will make your virtual class the same as physical class.

For this make the Facebook group for students or create a forum on your website. For this, I suggest you implement a bbPress plugin on your site. Likewise, you can also make a group on slack. This is another effective app for group communication for business purposes.

5. Pre-Recorded content

This is one of the best ways to run an online class. Sometimes, we get nervous going live and tackling the question, sometimes we are busy and cannot be able to go online in time.

Yes, in such cases you can simply record your content and make it live later. By doing this, your students won’t miss the class. And you can also timely complete your content.

Run a Virtual Class Online with WordPress

To record your content video, you just need a microphone and webcam. Use the default one provided by your computer. You can use the additional one. Additionally, you can add PowerPoint to make your presentation more eye-catching to attract more audience.

6. Live interaction video

Previous, we talk about the pre-recorded videos. But talking online class will be more effective. This will make your student clear their doubt through live discussion.

One of the best tools for live host videos is Zoom. It is available in both free and paid ones. The free version allows you to make a call for a maximum of 40 minutes. But if you want more, go through its premium version.

Run a Virtual Class Online with WordPress

With its help, you can invite your friend for a meeting or discussion. This will allows you to share your screen with students. Not only that, but it also lets you run webinars.

7. LMS or membership site plugin

If you want to make your website a perfect virtual classroom, you need to implement LMS for your site. It is useful if you want to keep your content confidential only for authorized personnel. This will be more effective if you are running a series of classes.

Run a Virtual Class Online with WordPress

LMS (Learning Management System) helps you to record the performance of your students in a virtual class. It is useful for running tests and quizzes for your students.


 Well, this is all about the process of running a virtual online class with WordPress. I know it is quite confusing and lengthy. But believe me, it is easier than you think. Just have patience and go through this article, you will be clearer about it. You will successfully able to create your own virtual class by following this article from starting to end.

I hope you get this article helpful to you and can get better results. If you have any queries, feel free to send it to our comment box. We will make sure all of your questions are solved. If you want to learn more about WordPress and its related features, keep visiting our website.

4 thoughts on “How to Run a Virtual Class Online with WordPress?

  1. The molded version of a seminar can be called a webinar, or in simple terms, a seminar hosted over the web is described as a webinar. The uses of this webinar software are varied, which can be for the business purpose, education-based, the need to deliver any information to a huge amount of people or training, or holding a workshop for many.

  2. Hi, Great article!!

    This is very helpful in the pandemic era. Virtual classes are very helpful for students, meetings, employees, even doctors and patience.

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