June 14, 2024
excerpt field in WordPress Post and Page
Excerpt in WordPress refers to the summary of the post. Excerpt replaces the full content in RSS feed and we can easily manage it from the reading section of settings. Depending on the themes, an excerpt can display where the quick summary is preferred rather than full content.

Excerpt in WordPress refers to the summary of the post. Excerpt replaces the full content in RSS feed and we can easily manage it from the reading section of settings. Depending on the themes, an excerpt can display where the quick summary is preferred rather than full content. Generally excerpt content display on the blog page, archive page, search page, etc. In default, the post has an excerpt field in WordPress. However, you need to add a single line of code to enable it on pages.

Some WordPress themes lack these features in the page, so don’t worry, you can easily add excerpt field for the page.

Why excerpt field in WordPress post missing?

Are you facing this problem? If your post dashboard is missing excerpt field, you need to enable it via the Screen Options section. As shown in the below screenshot, you can enable it from the topmost section.

excerpt field in WordPress Post and Page Screen Options

After enabling it, the excerpt will be enabled on the lower part of the page dashboard. See the below screenshot to know how excerpt field will look like.

excerpt field in WordPress Post and Page

Excerpt field is missing on Page Dashboard

Like the post, WordPress page dashboard doesn’t have an excerpt field. However, some themes enabled this section by adding code. Before adding the code to enable an excerpt, check the Screen Options of Page as shown above. If there is Excerpt field is missing, add the below code on your theme functions.php file. After adding this, you will get the excerpt field on the page as well.

// Adding excerpt for page
add_post_type_support( ‘page’, ‘excerpt’ );
Just after adding this code, go to Screen Options and enable excerpt. Now, you will have an excerpt field on both page and post.

Display excerpt on templates

If you are a developer or WordPress users and want to display the content of the excerpt on the templates, you need to use the below code inside the WordPress loop.

// Display excerpt on page templates 
See the below screenshot of codes sample.
excerpt field in WordPress Post and Page


Do you have any confusion regarding how to enable excerpt on pages and post? Please comment us below. We will guide you with more easy ideas. Hope this blog post is very helpful for you.

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7 thoughts on “How to enable excerpt field in WordPress Post and Page?

  1. In my wordpress site there are different kinds of posts. In some of them there is an excerpt option in the setting area, but in others it’s missing.
    Can you tell me how to add the excerpt to the missing posts so it will appear in the setting area on the right?

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